Code of Ethics & By-Laws
The Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association and its members endorse and practice the following ethical principles:
- Professional Virtues:
Professionals act with protecting and promoting commitment to their service. Professionals act honestly through complete, accurate and clear communications. They do not misrepresent themselves or the profession. In the practice of fairness, intent and implications of service are explained and services/resources are used equitably and conscientiously. Professionals maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills through educational opportunities.
- Obligation to the Individual and Society:
In advocating the importance of leisure, recreation and play, professionals are committed to equal opportunity and promote balance between the needs of the individual and the needs of others.
Professionals are loyal to and committed to the well-being of the individuals they serve. They maintain privacy and confidentiality of the individual being served by practicing informed consent and seeking permission prior to the release of information.
- Professional Practices:
Professionals strive to provide quality service based on the highest professional standards, deviating from these only when dictated by the needs of the individual. The purpose, results and implications of treatment practices are explained to the individual, striving to maintain their safety and well-being in a client centered approach.
- Responsibilities to Colleagues and the profession:
Professionals practice mutual respect and work cooperatively for the benefit of those they serve. They practice professional and moral conduct in dealing with ethical issues. The Professional Association acts as a governing body and takes appropriate action against those who behave unethically. Professionals practice continued quality management to improve the profession ‘s ability to serve society. Professionals seek to improve the profession’s body of knowledge through ethical research and clinical teaching.

Sections I IV are adapted from the Code of Ethics of the National Therapeutic Recreation Society (USA) and the and the American Therapeutic Recreation Association.

The name of the association is Nova Scotia Therapeutic Recreation Association.
In these by-laws unless there be something in the subject box or context inconsistent therewith:
“Society” means Nova Scotia Therapeutic Recreation Association
- “Registrar” means the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies appointed under the Nova Scotia Companies Act.
- “Special Resolution” means a resolution passed by not less than three-fourths of such members entitled to vote as are present in person, at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given.
- The Officers of the Association shall be President, Past President, Vice President, Recording Officer, and Treasurer.
Words importing the singular number only include the plural number and vice versa; words importing the masculine gender include the feminine gender and works importing person include corporations, societies and associations.