NSTRA Committees
Would you like to become more involved with the work of NSTRA? We would love for you to join one of our committees. The current committees are as follows:
Marketing Committee
The marketing committee works to create opportunities to share information about the NSTRA, and to create materials to engage with stakeholders, rightsholders, and service providers. The marketing committee also supports other committees, working groups, and zones, in need of promotional material to advocate for recreation therapy services, increase membership, and to promote the work of membership and the association. Are you creative? Do have you skills in graphic design or marketing/promotion? This task-oriented group is looking for you. For more information contact the committee at marketing@nstra.info.
Education Committee
The education committee seeks out and coordinates, relevant education opportunities for the membership. They do this by, staying on top of current trends and speaking with members to determine their learning needs and desires. For more information about how you can be involved, message the committee at education@nstra.info.
Advocacy Committee
This committee tends to be the “catch-all” for everything TR-related in Nova Scotia. Often smaller working groups are created from this committee to address pressing issues. Whether that be advocating for consistent job titles and hiring practices, better ratios in long-term care, better wages, increased opportunities for TR professionals to practice in nontraditional settings or the overall advocacy of what the TR profession can bring to services settings, they do it all. If you have an interest in advancing the field of TR, this group is for you. For more information, email the committee at advocacy@nstra.info.
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee
The purpose of the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility Committee is to provide advocacy, education and intentional recruitment to and for NSTRA members and board of directors. Decision-making within NSTRA should represent those with lived experiences, diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We believe that as an association we need to be reflective of our broader community with whom we work. For more information, email the committee at edia@nstra.info.
Licensure Committee
The purpose of this sub-committee is to establish regulation practices for Recreation Therapy professionals, including CTRS’ and non-CTRS’ in the province of Nova Scotia. Phase one will focus on establishing licensure for Recreation Therapists through the government processes. Phase two will focus on establishing a regulatory process for all other Recreation Therapy professionals. For more information, email the committee at licensure@nstra.info.
Conference Planning Committee
Each year the NSTRA holds an annual conference. We are currently recruiting members to help plan for the 2024 annual conference that will be held in Sydney. For more information email the committee at conference@nstra.info.