Licensure Town Hall Update July 2021
On the PATH to Self Regulation

NSTRA Town Hall
July 12, 2021
Licensure Sub-Committee (2021):
Co-Chairs: Heather Baker, Shelley Smith, Rhonda Booth Active Members: Colleen Bateman (pre presidential role), Andrew Ritcey, Chloe Zinck, Brittany Mackeen NSTRA Membership Director, liaison to the NSTRA Board

Association seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals become engaged in that profession and the public interest.
Membership — belonging to an organization, usually there is a fee.

Licensure — restricted practice or a restriction on the use of an occupational title. A license created under a “practice act” requires a license before performing a certain activity.
College — oversees practice standards, quality assurance, entry to practice, enforcement. Not to be confused with an institute of learning.

The act or process of entering names on an official list following a process to confirm education, etc. Once confirmed you are a registered member.

Formal procedure by which an accredited or authorized person or agency assesses and verifies by issuing a certificate the attributes, characteristics, quality, qualification, or status of individuals.
Self Regulation — It is a privilege granted to professions in the public interest.
- Licensure will give us a formal means of self-regulation to protect our
titles - The title of Recreation Therapist could only be used by individuals
holding the Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)
designation - Thus, protecting the public

A Paper Trail
- October 19, 2018 – NSTRA AGM a motion to membership to proceed
- Our application was submitted in May 2019 followed by confirmation in July 2019 that our application was being considered and was in the queue
- In 2020, after a meeting with Department of Health and Wellness Senior Legislative Policy Analyst, supplemental information was submitted to support our application specific to COVID-19 and the role of Therapeutic Recreation
- 2021 Department of Health and Wellness indicates our file remains on their workplan; however, the pandemic and vaccination roll-out has significantly impacted their non-COVID projects. Based on their timelines, it could be Fall 2021 when they request a meeting with us

Building Relationships
- Late 2019, the Licensure Committee began a relationship with Nova Scotia Regulated Health Professions Network (ongoing)
- 2020, members of the Licensure Committee and the NSTRA Board of Directors met with Robert Chisholm for skill building on how to effectively lobby our local MLA’s highlighting the role of Recreation Therapy within the public
- June 2020, members of the Board were invited to a meeting with Doctors NS to share information about the scope of Recreation Therapy Professionals and the NSTRA Report “Relieve Burden in the Healthcare System by Advocating for Recreation Therapy Services and ‘Social Prescription”. The result of this meeting included connections to the Primary Health Physicians Group and The Chair of the College of Family Physicians
- March 2021, NSTRA was invited to present at the DNS Family Doctor’s Council, Primary Health Council and write an article for the Doctor’s NS Magazine

Next Steps
Provincial Election is on our doorstep
- This election is an opportunity for each of us to share our personal messages, our family concerns, our professional needs
- Licensure and Advocacy committees have reconnected with Robert Chisholm and will be creating a tool for us all to use when reaching out to those running for office
- NSTRA board has reached out to the caucus organizers and meetings are being held on our behalf

Final Message

Join Now – www.nstra.info