Licensure Update – March 2024
Licensure Update – March 2024
An Update from NSTRA’s Licensure Committee
The Regulated Health Professions Act was passed on November 9, 2023. This Act establishes a common and consistent regulatory framework for all 22 regulated health professions.
We have continued our interactions with the Nova Scotia Regulated Health Professions Network (NSRHPN) to ensure we are kept abreast of all the discussions and feedback. We will endeavor to update the NSTRA membership with communications as new information and developments occur.
Along with board members, we continue to interact with a wide variety of leaders. 21 FSP Advisory Partners completed a contract to assist in our self-regulation journey. The report has provided valuable insights that will be helpful as we move forward.
The NSTRA has undertaken a number of strategic projects that will impact our journey. Two of these projects are the development of
- Standards of Practice
- Scope of Practice (Recreation Therapist & Recreation Therapy Programmer / Associate)
It is clear that strategic communications have been invaluable to increase awareness of Recreation Therapy services and continuing to increase awareness will assist us to move our goal of self- regulation forward.
Are you interested in being actively involved in projects, have questions or would like to know more. Interested but feeling unsure of how you can contribute… Fresh perspectives and new skill sets are essential and welcomed. Please reach out to the Licensure Committee at licensure@nstra.info.