Land Acknowledgement
NSTRA Land Acknowledgement
Reviewed by Indigenous Treaty Partners
We would like to acknowledge that the Nova Scotia Therapeutic Recreation Association (NSTRA) operates in Mi’kma’ki, the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. This territory, along with all of its First Nations within Nova Scotia, is governed by the Treaties of Peace and Friendship, which continue to be relevant today.
NSTRA is dedicated to respecting and safeguarding the land, water, and all forms of life in partnership with the Mi’kmaq people. We commit to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action and fostering relationships grounded in peace, honesty, and friendship. We acknowledge the value of Indigenous wisdom and knowledge, as highlighted in Call to Action 22, and are dedicated to shifting our perspectives towards decolonization.
We acknowledge that we benefit from the wisdom and knowledge of the Indigenous people (Call to Action 22), and we commit to decolonizing our mindsets by taking accountability and following the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. In our commitment to Truth, Reconciliation, and community relationships we are committed to the promise of living in peace and friendship. We are active in the process of unlearning colonial mindsets and practices (Calls to Action #23-3 and 57). We are working to grow our knowledge, and adapting ways of working in the field of recreation and leisure.
We are all Treaty people.